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B29200-29 Moon flight for everyone: Hover over the moon with the observatory's large 0.5 m reflector telescope

Beginn Fr., 14.06.2024, 21:30 - 23:30 Uhr
Kursgebühr 16,00 €
Dauer 1 x
Kursleitung Dr. Michael A. Rappenglück M.A.

Would you like to fly to the moon at low cost? If the sky is clear, we will hover over its crater-strewn surface with the 0.5 m Newtonian reflector telescope (in the livestream). What did ancient civilizations think about the moon? Which lunar calendars existed (and still exist)? What ideas were there about "moon journeys" and "moon dwellers"? What do we know today about the moon, its origin and its structure? What is special about the Earth-Moon binary? What differences and similarities are there between the Earth's moon and the other moons in the solar system? Are there any effects that the moon has on the earth, especially on living beings? What are the goals of space travel to further explore the Earth's satellite? The lecture will take place without observation in case of bad weather. If you choose the online course, it will be carried out via the Microsoft Teams program. To do this, you must install the program or app on your device (PC, tablet, mobile phone). It is important that your speaker and microphone work. A working camera would be desirable. Please enter your email address when registering. In cooperation with the vhs Gilching e.V..


Online; Kurs über Microsoft Teams


21:30 - 23:30 Uhr
Online; Kurs über Microsoft Teams